luni, 22 iunie 2009

vacanta :D

Pot sa spun ca am inceput vacanta. Azi am dat penultimul examen, ultimul nu se pune, e ca si luat ;)) Si tot azi se pare ca a inceput bacul. Nu pot sa cred ca a trecut un an de cand am dat bacul. Parca ieri ma plimbam pe coridoarele liceului. Nu pot sa spun ca mi-e dor de liceu, ca nu-mi e. Mi-e dor de avut 24 de baieti in clasa :)) nu cred ca a fost zi de liceu in care sa nu rad :))
Partea buna e ca ma duceam cu drag la scoala, pentru colegi si pentru buna dispozitie, nu conteaza ce probleme aveam acasa , daca ma simteam bine sau rau, dar cand ajungeam la scoala uitam de tot si radeam frate.....
Acum la facultate ma duc ca nu sunt obligata :)) , ca nu se mai scade media la purtare, si deoarece chiar aflu ceva nou in fiecare zi si-mi plac profesorii si cursurile si tot. Zic asta acum ca aproape am terminat sesiunea si vreo 3 luni nu mai calc pe acolo :)) Ar cam trebui totusi sa profit de vacanta asta sa recuperez la germana....hmm...mdap. Nu o sa se mai repete ce s-a intamplat in sesiunea asta.
acum...ideea de baza este ce fac eu in vacanta asta???? Pe langa germana :P
Sper sa miros marea si muntele vacanta asta....hmm si apoi?
trebuie sa gasesc ceva de facut vacanta asta neaparat. Poate o reuniune de liceu :)))

luni, 15 iunie 2009

Not a drop to drink

Two thousand years ago the Romans tried to turn this desert into an oasis, a place full of rivers and lakes and canals. The Romans wanted to build big white temples and big houses under the hot sun. They wanted to turn this desert into a new paradise, full of trees and flowers and fields. They planned to sail their ships across the desert. But they failed.

The Romans failed because they looked only at the surface of the land. They tried to make the desert into a paradise with water and trees by digging canals and building aqueducts. They dug canals to connect the sea and the rivers. They built their aqueducts, long pipes to carry water, for many miles across the desert, to carry water from one town to another.

Now, I can still see some of the old aqueducts. There are a few white stone arches under the hot sun in the dry desert. They are falling down. The water in the aqueducts dried up. There is nothing left of the Roman canals. The water in the canals disappeared and the canals filled up with sand again, but if you look carefully it is still possible to see where they were. There are lines across the desert that look like very old roads.

In 1777 a Portuguese explorer called Emanuel de Melo Pimento came to this desert with a plan to turn it into an oasis. At that time in history, everybody was very excited by new discoveries in science and technology and engineering. Emanuel de Melo Pimento was a man of his times, one of the new scientist-philosopher-engineers who believed that all the problem of people in the world could be solved by science and philosophy. He believed that he could turn the hot, dry desert where nobody had enough water to drink into an oasis, into a utopia. He wanted to build a completely new city here, he wanted to build a completely new country. He wanted to call it “Pimentia”, named after himself, of course.

Emanuel de Melo Pimento had a lot of money. He had a lot of money because a lot of rich people in Portugal and Spain gave him money to go around the world and explore. These rich people invested in Emanuel de Melo Pimento’s journeys of exploration and discovery. Now they had given him money to build a new city, a new country, a utopia, to create an oasis in the desert. These rich people hoped to become even richer. Emanuel de Melo Pimento took their money and used it not to try and change the surface of the land, like the Romans, but to change what is under the surface of the desert. Emanuel de Melo Pimento wanted to dig canals under the desert, to make big underground rivers where the water would not dry up under the heat of the sun.

He failed, of course.

Some of his plans still survive. I have some of them here in my office in the Institute of Hydrogeological Research where I write this. They are very beautiful works of art. But not one of his plans was ever completed – they needed too much money, more money than even the rich people in Portugal and Spain gave to Emanuel de Melo Pimento. Instead, Emanuel de Melo Pimento spent all the money on building beautiful buildings where he could live and dream of his new city.

From where I write in my office in the Institute I can still see one of the old buildings that Emanuel de Melo Pimento lived in before he went mad and died here. He failed because he tried to look only under the land. The Romans failed because they looked only at the surface of the land. Now, I will succeed, because I am not looking at the surface of the desert, or under it. I am looking up above the desert. I am looking up at the sky.

Now, at the beginning of the 21st century we have the ability to go up into space. We have the ability to build satellites. Some people have said that I am mad, just like Emanuel de Melo Pimento, but I know that I will succeed. I have spent many years making plans to build satellites that can not only forecast the weather, but change it.

The first of the satellites went up into space last week, and now, using a computer here in my office, I am telling it what to do. The programmes I spent many years planning and designing all work perfectly.

I look up at the sky, and it is starting to rain.

It has now been raining for three weeks. It has not stopped raining for 21 days. At first, the people were very happy to see so much rain. Now the desert has flooded. Where before there was only sand, now there is water. Where there was desert, now there is sea.

But the rain that has come down from the sky has destroyed many houses. Some people now have nowhere to live. The rain was stronger and heavier than I planned. I was right to look up above the desert, not at its surface or under the sand, but I did not expect the force of nature to be so strong.

Have I too failed? I do not know. Will people in the future think of me as I now think of the Romans and of the failed mad scientist Emanuel de Melo Pimento?

I have turned the desert into a sea. We can now sail ships across the desert, like the Romans dreamed. But the people do not thank me. They have water, but they have nothing to drink.

The end

vineri, 5 iunie 2009

deci...o sa incep cu deci ca o conluzie din tot ce "am invatat" azi: germana e grea !
prima data cand am auzit ca o sa fac germana in facultate, am fost chiar incantata, a fost un fel de "dream come true", din copilarie vroiam sa invat germana. nush de ce, nu aveam un motiv deosebit, imi placea cum suna cred.
acum, dupa aproape un an de zile de germana la facultate, vreau sa spun ca ma ia durerea de cap cand deschid manualul . Mai rau decat franceza. Nu inteleg nimic. Si cel mai grav , nu vad asemanarea aia cu engleza !! toata lumea zice ca daca stii engleza, germana o sa fie usoara. da de unde?
totul e pe invers, toata fraza, toate cuvintele sunt INVERS. dar ai zice ca fiindca m-am prins ca e invers o sa pot sa invat. nu e chiar asa.
d-bia acum inteleg expresia : parca vorbesti in limbi straine :))
pai..engleza o invat din gradinita, si pot sa spun ca o stiu, franceza o inteleg cat de cat, are si ea gramatica grea si o mie si una de exceptii, dar merge, nu e imposibila; spaniola a venit cam firesc, nush de unde, poate din telenovelele alea din copilarie:)) (am fost mare fana Thalia :)))
si nimic din ce am invatat pana in prezent
si problema uriasa si de baza este verbul !
cum s-o fi inventat verbul?
si cum doamne iarta-ma s-a ajuns ca in germana verbul sa aibe particula separabila nu pot sa-mi dau seama, e o chestie extraterestra asta
particula separabila?? wtf?
si pe langa asta, frustratrea mea adevarata si sincera nu e neaparat faptul ca nu inteleg ci ca ceilalti...INTELEG!
adica marea majoritate din cei din grupa chiar au invatat germana! fara sa stie din liceu sau generala. au intrat la fel de bombe ca mine dar o sa iasa stiind germana. eu in schimb o sa ies asa cum am intrat + hai sa zicem cateva cuvinte noi in vocabular, si multe fire albe.
da, azi am observat fenomenul, au inceput sa-mi iasa fire albe, la nici 20 de ani.
vi se pare normal? ca mi-e nu.
macar de-ar fi din cauza invatatului, macar sa pot spune ca am invatat de mi-au iesit fire albe, dar sa stiu germana :))
poate o sa visez la noapte verbul si o sa pot sa fac ceva maine la examen.
sper !